The best way to learn piano really depends on what you want to gain from your sessions. Personally I love learning modern songs and I practice rhythm and chords etc that way whilst still maintaining a level of interest. Some of you may want more emphasis on sight reading. Others might prefer playing by ear…
So, what is the best way to learn piano – for you?
I have written about a number of products and services which I have tried and tested, each having their own pros and cons. If you have any comments about any of the products or services I have listed here or wish to share your experiences please leave a comment below. My blog is all about getting a community of like minded people together who are willing to learn in a way that suits them… And finding the best way for everyone!
Online training
Everyone who is anyone does everything online these days…. Including learning the piano! The great thing about the Internet is that it’s so accessible, with many different portable devices like smartphones, tablets, notebooks etc. Even when you’re not physically playing the piano, you can still learn on the move with various different online softwares and apps.
Online training evolves and content updates regularly making it ever changing and interesting.. It affords you access to hundreds and even thousands of different songs, training videos, pdf etc; often all on one platform. There are often communities attached to these online training programs full of people who will help guide you through any difficulties you may run into with your training; something you won’t have when reading a book or watching a DVD.
What is the best way to learn piano online?
Two of he best online training platforms I’ve found to date are Piano Marvel and Playground Sessions. Both offer a one stop, all inclusive training platform that is guaranteed to get you playing your favourite songs in no time!
Is it expensive?
No.. In fact Piano Marvel offers a FREE account which grants access to the majority of the training or a premium membership which grants full access. This lets you try It out for free before subscribing. The subscriptions are cheap for both Piano Marvel and Playground Sessions. Playground sessions currently have a special offer of a lifetime membership which is the best value if you are dedicated to your learning.
Do I need a special kind of keyboard?
No.. You can use either ‘Piano Marvel’ or ‘Playground Sessions’ with any keyboard or traditional piano. However to take advantage of the programs full potential It is preferable to use a keyboard that supports a midi connection (most keyboards these days do).
Playground sessions is probably the more versatile without midi as its primary assets are video content in both song lessons and Bootcamp lessons, the arrangements in the videos are at different skill levels, and there is on-screen displayed notation to help you learn to play. You do not need a keyboard to access this content, only a computer tablet or even a smartphone.
Using a keyboard with a USB or midi connection will allow you to get instant feedback from the software as you play, as well as giving you the ability to record yourself playing. After each song, you will receive an accuracy score on how well you performed. An acoustic piano without a USB or midi connection does not have these interactive capabilities.
It really is easy to start playing piano and learning online. Check out either of the programs via the links above and get started! Or for more idea on THE BEST WAYS TO LEARN PIANO FAST, dive into my website,, to learn more.

Some of you might find good old fashioned reading the best way, especially if you don’t have access to a computer or media ready keyboard. Books obviously come in all different shapes and sizes and levels of reading, the best books for progressing and keeping you interested are those that work alongside DVD’s, such as the ‘LEARN & MASTER‘ Course by Will Barrow. It is a complete course which includes training book and play along CD’s which is a fun way to practice what you’ve learned.
There absolutely tons of training books and DVD’s out there, which are relatively cheap and sometimes free! Books can be a great way to learn at your own pace and get an understanding of the theory of piano as a base if you wish to do this before doing any practical playing. Take them to bed with you, on holiday, pop them on your piano for instruction… Anywhere where there’s a little light and peace n quiet 🙂 Go to the dvd & books section of my website to browse more.
Hi there! Ive been wanting to learn how to play both piano and guitar for a long while but I guess what is holding me back is that I just dont know where to start! Until now!! These are great advices for someone like me who just want to START from somewhere! Thank you I will most definitely step by again!
That’s great Johan! Glad to inspire you.. These ideas are a great way to start and you can be so much more than just a beginner without burning a whole in your pocket.
Cool site on piano learning. You still have a lot to do in terms of site building. So do I. So does everyone else. Just keep on building content to get better rankings. You may want to check out a few ideas on how to edit photos before you put them on your site. It’s our friend from WA.
Hi Damir, yeah still lots of content to build but it’s a journey worth making! We all have a passion to share and don’t mind spending the time to help others.
Thanks again for visiting!
I never thought of learning how to play piano through the web. I always thought I would have to go to see an old lady to teach me… Ha ha…. I am glad that is an option. I have been thinking of learning how to play but now that I am older I am a little self conscious. Learning at the privacy of my home might be the way to go.
Yes Eloah, learning at your own pace from home is not only less stressful but cheaper too! You can never substitute a good teacher but these online programs are second to none these days for experiences learning… Well worth a try! Be sure to check them out through my site 🙂
Hello Jon 🙂
I have been interested in learning Piano for a very long time now, Instead of a Piano, I have a nice, big keyboard under the bed and I’ve hardly touched it due to frequent acoustic guitar practice. I guess I could start learning to play keyboard through the web and the content you have shared here is clear, informative, catchy and very exciting for a person who wants to learn how to play Piano.
Just a question to ask: Is there a big difference between keyboard and piano, could I still be on the right road by learning to play the keyboard?
Thanks 🙂
Hi Lawrence! Thanks for the comments and taking the time to look at the site, glad you like it!
Sorry its taken me so long to reply, had an issue logging on for some reason. In answer to your question, yes you will still be on the right road learning to play keyboard as the chords/notes are all the same however there will be a difference in sound is all.
The action on the keys will be different too compared to the ‘weighted’ keys on a traditional or digital piano. Good on you for getting the keyboard out, i would highly recommend the online training programs/software available if your keyboard has midi capability.
Tons of people are learning their skills on portable keyboards and then moving into piano. I will be expanding this website and including many more products and services including reviews… so stay tuned!
If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact me, or if you are serious about starting Piano email me at and i’ll be happy to keep you informed on products available and share with you any links with promotional codes etc.
Good luck and thanks again for stopping by!
Well, I did not know that one could learn an instrument on-line like this. I’d love to learn to play the piano – I had lessons as a child and can still read music to a limited degree. Maybe I should save up for a keyboard and go for it. Thank you.
Hi Julie, yes you should definitely give one of the programs a go especially since you already know the basics…. you could be learning any song you want in days!
Hi Jon,
What a nice site to find answers when you want to learn to play the piano! I could find everything I wanted to know without being distracted by a lot of pushy salesmanship, and still have many options to purchase what I want right here on your site. I like that!
Thanks KariLee! Glad you like it